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We appreciate and are grateful for your sharing your experience with TAKE A NOTE products on social media. We may use the content you consented to share through the following channels: including our social media platforms, website, email promotions, paid social media ads, and other marketing and promotional purposes. Your photos may be used along with the text, hashtags, and comments from your post, or we may choose to use only the image without text or hashtags.

By replying to our request with the hashtag #yes-takeanote in the comments, or by clicking the link in the direct message and agreeing, you accept the following terms:

  • You grant TAKE A NOTE a non-exclusive, worldwide license to use all images you responded with #yes-takeanote for marketing purposes. This applies to all the channels mentioned above.
  • You confirm that you own all rights to the images and have obtained permission from any individuals appearing in the images to grant us these rights.
  • You agree to allow TAKE A NOTE to use the images free of charge and release TAKE A NOTE and its affiliates from any claims or liabilities related to the use of the images.
  • You permit TAKE A NOTE to use your images as needed, with or without the original text, hashtags, and comments from the post.
  • By replying #yes-takeanote or agreeing via the link, you confirm that you have read and understood these terms.
If you wish to withdraw your consent, you can contact us at, and we will process your request as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact, and we will be happy to assist you.